Christian Ernsten and Claartje Rasterhoff receive funding from CLICK NL for their REACCT research project on regenerative building practices

Research, Education and Action Lab into Collective and Circular Transformation (REACCTis a new research project (2024-2027) developed together with Huis Veendam-Dynaplak, a design and biochemical company that produces, recycles and designs with renewable materials. 

Together with other partners (including the Jan van Eyck Academy) we will examine how design and production of buildings are conditioned locally and historically, and how these conditions can be leveraged towards more collective and circular practices. To this end it combines biochemical, historical and ethnographic research in the regions of Groningen and Maastricht towards the development of new building materials and production processes. Drawing on design research the project designs and tests these within the complex interplay between different actors – consumers, crafters, farmers, industrialists, academics, designers, nonhuman actors, and others – that is required for circular building action to be effectively pushed. 

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