CERiM Academic Opening Event on 9 November
The Centre for European Research in Maastricht – Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence (CERiM) is a newly created research platform for collaboration that brings together more than one hundred researchers from the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences and the Faculty of Law of Maastricht University. This Academic Opening Event gathers scholars to discuss new ideas in advancing research themes of CERiM (European law, governance, and their respective history) and to mark the new beginning of CERiM in European research. Joseph Weiler and Beate Kohler-Koch will provide the Opening and the Closing lecture respectively and there will be four panels consisting of distinguished academics and practitioners.
Attendance is free but subject to registration. Please click here to Register.
Venue: The Opening lecture will take place at the Maastricht Faculty of Law (Bouillonstraat 1-3) upon which the day proceeds at La Bonbonnière (Achter de Comedie 1).
Time: 08.30 – 18.30 (followed by reception).
Contact person: Vigjilenca Abazi v.abazi@maastrichtuniversity.nl
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