Appointment of Dr Roland Pierik as Professor of Legal Philosophy

The Executive Board has appointed Dr Roland Pierik as Professor of Legal Philosophy as of 1 August 2022. Roland Pierik succeeds Jaap Hage, who will retire in September 2022. Roland Pierik is currently still connected to the UvA as Associate Professor and director of the Paul Scholten Centre for Metajuridica. He specialises in legal philosophy and political theory.

LAW_Roland Pierik.jpg
Photo: (c) Kirsten van Santen

In his research, he uses contemporary normative theories to analyse concrete social problems. In recent years, he has been actively involved in academic and societal discussions on the regulation of vaccination. Between 2017 and 2021 he was a member of the Health Council of the Netherlands. His research is characterised by a theoretical reflection on the normative foundations of positive law. He studies the clash of fundamental rights in liberal-democratic constitutional states and the role of the legislator and the courts (in particular the European Court) in settling these conflicts. 

Roland Pierik will contribute to the teaching and research in the Foundations and Methods of Law department and he will take the lead in introductory education in the propaedeutic phase, including skills trainings. As of 1 August, Roland Pierik will also act as chairman of the Foundations and Methods of Law department.

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