Appointment of Bram Akkermans as professor of Property Law

As of 1 June 2021, Bram Akkermans will be appointed professor of Property Law. He succeeds Sjef van Erp, who retired in January 2021. Until 1 June, Bram was an Associate Professor in the Private Law department.

Bram Akkermans (1979) holds a law degree from the European Law School at Maastricht University (the Netherlands) (2002) and studied at Stellenbosch University (South Africa).  After his studies, he was a course developer and lecturer in International and European Law at Fontys University of Professional Education (Eindhoven, the Netherlands).

In February 2004, Bram Akkermans joined the law faculty at Maastricht, first as a PhD researcher, later (from 2008) as assistant and associate professor. He holds a PhD degree in law from Maastricht University. He was guest researcher at Brasenose College, Oxford University, the Zentrum für Eurpäische Rechtspolitik (ZERP), University of Bremen, and a guest at the Max Planck Institute for Foreign Private Law and Private International Law in Hamburg. He held visiting researcher positions at the Faculty of Law at Stellenbosch University in South Africa and the KU Leuven in Belgium. 

His research focuses on the effects of grand societal challenges on the law of property, specifically property law and sustainability. In his research Bram seeks to address both the theoretical level as well as the practical rules of property law. 

Bram is a resident fellow at the Maastricht European Private Law Institute and an invited fellow to the South African Research Chair on Property Law ( He is an editor of the European Property Law Journal and editor-in-chief of the Maastricht Law Series.


Bram Akkermans will be responsible for courses in the field of property law (national and European) in both the Bachelor's and the Master's phase, in which he will bring, besides the international perspective, also the Dutch perspective. His research focusses on property law and sustainability and will be embedded in MEPLI, GLAW-Net and Ius Commune. Bram intends to analyse property law normatively as well as from an interdisciplinary perspective, on three levels, from abstract to concrete. Furthermore, he wants to translate the international debate to the national context and to take up positions/discussions on major social challenges such as sustainability.

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