Apply for the MCEL master thesis project!

The MCEL master thesis project ‘Migration Law and Governance’ brings together highly motivated students and expert staff members of the Maastricht Centre for European Law (MCEL), as well as other relevant staff of the Law Faculty and external speakers. 

Migration is a politically salient issue. Not only is migration present in media headlines and political discussions, in recent years there have been significant developments in its legislation and governance. Most prominently, last May the EU co-legislators agreed on a complete overhaul of the Union’s acquis on migration, asylum, and integrated border management (a set of measures that have become known together as the New Pact on Migration and Asylum). At the same time, the EU is increasingly streamlining migration management in its broader external relations and diplomacy. These developments raise interesting and pressing legal questions. By focussing on ‘Migration Law and Governance’ this year’s MCEL master thesis project provides you with the opportunity to engage with these important legal and societal developments. Applications must be submitted before 15 October 2024.

Download the thesis project flyer to learn about how to apply.

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