AMIBM wins Ralf Raue Innovation Award 2017
During the BIOMEDICA Life Sciences Summit, which took place on 9-10 May in Eindhoven (NL), the Ralf Raue Innovation Award for Life Sciences 2017 was awarded to the Aachen-Maastricht Institute for Biobased Materials (AMBIM).
AMIBM, based on the Brightlands Chemelot Campus, was awarded for the connections they forge between people, knowledge and infrastructure within the Euregio in the field of biomedical engineering. AMIBM is praised for the way in which they train young people to become excellent professionals in science and business.
The award was handed to dr. ir. Richard Ramakers, managing director of AMIBM. Ramakers: ‘In AMIBM six research-groups, with their origins in UM, RWTH Aachen and Fraunhofer Institute for Molecular Biology and Applied Ecology, join forces to develop biobased materials for the wellbeing of humans and nature. It is fantastic that our mission to connect institutes and disciplines across borders is acknowledged and appreciated’.
The award is an initiative of the BIOMEDICA foundation, which stimulates cooperation between life sciences and business. Dr. Ralf Raue was, as a councilmember of the foundation, committed to the stimulating of innovations between Euregional partners.
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