AMIBM researcher selected for YERUN Researcher Mobility Awards

Dr. Samaneh Ghazanfari, who is group leader of Biohybrids and Medical Textiles at Aachen-Maastricht Institute for Biobased Materials (AMIBM) on the Brightlands Chemelot Campus is among the final researcher. She will receive a grant and will do her research at Linköpings University in Sweden.

The Young European Research Universities Network (YERUN) has announced the final selection for the first Researcher Mobility Awards (RMA). Among the final 26 candidates are four researchers associated with Maastricht University. The final candidates will do research for the coming 1-2 weeks at one of the 18 partner universities of the YERUN network.

The YERUN Researcher Mobility Awards are one the strategic actions of YERUN, aimed at stimulating researchcollaborations within the YERUN network. From a total of 142 researcher a final selection of 26 candidates was made based on the quality of their research proposal and concrete ideas for future collaborations and publications.

For more info go to the YERUN website  

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