20 UM buildings join Warm Sweater Day 2017
On 10 February, hundreds-of-thousands of Dutch people will turn their thermostat lower to combat energy waste as part of the Warm Sweater Day, a national day of energy conservation. Maastricht University (UM) is participating for the second year in a row. 20 UM buildings will set their thermostats one degree lower, saving an average of 6% of energy consumption and thus producing 6% less CO2. On 10 February, do your part by putting on a warm sweater to keep yourself warm and the Earth cool.
The sweater is a symbol of what you can do yourself to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. But of course you can also do other things: for example, turning off lights and computers (and beamers) when you leave a room at home or at work.
Competition for UM’ers
Employees and students at UM can, until 10 February, e-mail their prediction of the total CO2 savings (in %) in comparison to a normal Friday in February to: warmsweaterday@maastrichtuniversity.nl
The predictions that are closest to the final outcome can win:
1st prize: Energy packet worth €40
2nd prize: Maastricht University sweater
3rd prize: Dopper water bottle
The results of the day and the winners will be announced shortly thereafter. Prize-winners will also receive a personal message.
The Warm Sweater Day at UM is organised by Facility Services together with the UM Green Office, in cooperation with participating faculties. For questions or more information about the day, please contact Marc Fisher, Sustainability Advisor at Facility Services, or Jacqueline Hendrix, Marketing & Communications at the Faculty of Law.
The greenest energy is the energy you don’t use
The Warm Sweater Day takes place annually on or around 16 February, around the anniversary of the enactment of the Kyoto Protocol (1997). The purpose of the Kyoto Protocol is to reduce greenhouse gas emissions that lead to climate change worldwide. This national energy conservation event carries the motto ‘the greenest energy is the energy you don’t use’ and is organised by Klimaatverbond Nederland together with Greenchoice. For more information, please go to www.warmetruiendag.nl
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