2 awards for paper on hospital adaptations to the COVID-19 pandemic

Hospital COVID19 VHC

Rachel Gifford, Daan Westra, Frank van de Baan and Dirk Ruwaard* have won the Best International Paper Award and the Best Theory to Practice Award for their paper 'To Uncertainty and Beyond: Cataloging Hospitals' Adaptations during the COVID-19 pandemic'. The Healthcare Management division of the Academy of Management presented the awards during the 81st (online) edition of the world's leading management conference. 

In the paper the authors map out adaptations made by hospitals in the Netherlands during the first and second wave of the COVID-19 pandemic (a full overview of those adaptations can be found online here) and the organizational capacities that hospitals need for this. Co-authors were Bram Fleuren, Lieze Poesen and Fred Zijlstra of the Faculty of Psychology and Neurosciences of Maastricht University. The team wrote the paper as part of their study on the influence of adaptations in response to the COVID-19 pandemic on the employability of healthcare staff for which ZonMw awarded a grant of almost 500,000 euros last year.


* Research Line: Creating Value-Based Healthcare

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