Dr Anke Moerland (A.)

Anke Moerland is Associate Professor of Intellectual Property Law in the European and International Law Department, Maastricht University. She holds a PhD on Intellectual property protection in EU bilateral trade agreements from Maastricht University. She also holds a bachelor’s degree in International Relations from Technical University Dresden, Germany (2005), a bachelor’s degree (cum laude) in Dutch Law from Maastricht University (2011) and a LLM degree (cum laude) from the Magister Juris Communis Programme from Maastricht University (2006).


Anke has published on IP law and policy, with a particular focus on IP law between new technologies and tradition. In that light, she is at the forefront of discussing the implications of AI for trade marks, how GI protection can contribute to innovative products that at the same time preserve tradition, and how copyright rules foster the preservation and digitization of cultural heritage. Between 2018 and 2020, she held a visiting professorship at Queen Mary University of London on Intellectual Property Law, Governance and Art. From 2017 until 2021, Anke coordinated the EIPIN Innovation Society, a 4-year Horizon 2020 grant under the Marie Skłodowska Curie Action ITN-EJD. Since 2023, Anke holds the position of Vice-Dean for Research and Director of the Graduate School of Law of Maastricht University. 


For publications, visit: https://cris.maastrichtuniversity.nl/portal/en/persons/anke-moerland(2899a169-a382-45ed-aa6b-c897679ad595)/publications.html