Izia Jennekens (M.I.F.A.)

Isabelle (Izia) Jennekens is lecturer private law and Ph.D. candidate in sovereign fixed income law at Maastricht University. She focuses on the restructuring of problematic sovereign debt, sovereign wealth funds, sovereign and public fixed income strategies and trade and export finance. 

She studied law, economics, neuroscience and sociology of science at Maastricht University and before teaching was working at the Dutch Treasury. Here, she negotiated at the EU, OECD, IWG and bilaterally on standards related to public export finance. She is regularly invited to (inter)national congresses to discuss public investment strategies, fixed income, global macro and trade and export finance. She also publishes on these topics.

Next to her teaching (mostly on financial, corporate and commercial law) she supervises theses on investment funds and strategies, fixed income, sovereign debt, sovereign wealth, monetary policy, banking and law & economics.

She also works as a Senior Economist with the Dutch government.