Dr L.J.M. Smits
Faculty of FHML (UM): Regular Medical Curriculum and AKO
Coordinating roles
Klinische Predictiemodellen: Theorie en Praktijk (Clinical Prediction Models: Theory and Practice): Course organiser, coordinator and co-teacher, 2015-now
Member of the Voortgangstoets Beoordelings Commissie (VBC) (as of 2009)
Run coordinator CAT, Prognosis (2003-2007)
Developer of CAT (Docent Ontwikkeling CAT), Prognosis (as of 2003)
Member of block planning group Physician / Clinical researcher (A-KO) Thorax Phase 1 (as of 2011)
Impact Evaluation (As of 2015)
Critical Appraisal of Prediction Studies (As of 2015)
Prognostic Research Bachelor Medicine (as of 2013)
Theory and praxis of etiologic epidemiologic research (2003)
Prognostic Research Master (2004 through 2006, 2010)
Clinical Trials (2006)
Introduction to critical appraisal of a topic in prognosis (2009)
Epidemiological aspects of research in Reproductive Medicine (2009-2013)
Causal Inference (2009-now)
Prognostic Research and Prediction Modeling, Short Course (as of 2012)
Diagnostic Research, Short Course (as of 2014)
Fever, infection and inflammation (2000 through 2002)
Shortness of breath and chest pain (2002)
Abdominal complaints (2000, 2006)
Wens, kind, mens (Wish, child, person) (2008)
Puberty and Adolescence (2005, 2007, 2008)
Tutor of feed-back sessions, Diagnosis, Prognosis, Therapy and Follow-up of chronic patients (2003-now)
Supervision of practicals (2000-now)
Prognosis Critical Appraisal of a Topic
Diagnosis Critical Appraisal of a Topic
Therapy Critical Appraisal of a Topic
Follow-up Critical Appraisal of a Topic
Clinical decision making
Occurrence measures, association measures and causal reasoning (AKO)
Exam supervision
Oral examination of the Interuniversity Progress Test (2017)
Observer Skillslab (regularly as of 2000)
Evaluation of multi-CAT papers and solo-CAT papers (as of 2003)
Evaluation of papers on imaging diagnostic techniques (year 1, bachelor phase Medicine) (2000-2008)
Evaluation of student theses (2003-2009)
EMGO Institute
Tutor ‘Epidemiologic research: design and interpretation’ (Kerkrade 2001)
AVM University of Midwifery Education & Studies
Supervisor of research practicals, 2005
Basiskwalificatie Onderwijs (BKO): March 2013