Acquiring competencies for elderly care; dealing with complexity
Recent publications
Koetsenruijter, K. W. J., Veldhuijzen, W., De Lepeleire, J., van Leeuwen, Y., Muris, J. W. M., & Teunissen, P. W. (2022). Learning from complex elderly care: a qualitative study on motivating residents in family medicine. BMC primary care, 23(1), Article 307.
Heijnen, B. J., Speyer, R., Kertscher, B., Cordier, R., Koetsenruijter, K. W. J., Swan, K., & Bogaardt, H. (2016). Dysphagia, Speech, Voice, and Trismus following Radiotherapy and/or Chemotherapy in Patients with Head and Neck Carcinoma: Review of the Literature. BioMed Research International, Article 6086894.