Dr Kay Deckers, Ph.D. (K.)
Research profile
Assistant Professor Dementia Risk Reduction
Research projects
- Mijn Breincoach public health campaign to promote a brain-healthy lifestyle
- Validation of the Lifestyle for Brain Health (LIBRA) index
- FINGER-NL trial: a 2-year multi-domain lifestyle intervention program to promote brain health in older adults
- PRIMary care, App-supported Brain health promotion (PRIMA-Brain): dementia risk reduction in the general practice
- The Curious Brain project
- The LifestylE-GEne iNteractions in Dementia and Stroke (LEGENDS) project
- Maintaining Optimal Cognitive function In Ageing (MOCIA) project
- Maastricht Aging Study (MAAS) into risk factors for cognitive decline in the general population
Recent publications
Other publications