Jil Bartholmy
Faculty of Health, Medicine & Life Sciences | Bachelor European Public Health
"Barriers to Access and Quality in Maternal and Reproductive Healthcare Faced by Female Migrants to Europe: A Narrative Literature Review"
Jil's elevator pitch
Migrants face multiple challenges and health issues. Pregnant migrant women, however, stand out as particularly vulnerable as they suffer adverse maternal and reproductive health outcomes. Differences in reproductive health between migrant and native women are observed even in high-income European countries. An increased risk of morbidity, mortality and stillbirth among migrant women are merely some of the findings highlighting the problem. This literature review summarises the evidence on the reasons and solutions to these outcomes by studying the accessibility, utilization and quality of maternal and reproductive healthcare provided to female migrants in twelve European high-income countries.
Congratulations Jil
In this video Jil is addressed briefly by the immediate supervisor.