Dr Joseph Wachelder (J.C.M.)

Wachelder taught on numerous subjects, including the Scientific Revolution, Avant-garde and Mass-culture, A History of Vision, Three Industrial Revolutions, Art and Industry, Trust in Numbers, Industrial Design, Network Society, Observing and Representing, Digital Games, Media Culture and Consumption.

He is an experienced supervisor of BA and MA Theses. Some of his students have been laureated for their MA theses: Floris van Wanroij MPhil (Maastricht University Thesis Award 2008); Drs. Martijn Hendriks (Maastricht University Thesis Award  2003); Drs. Tijs Heesterbeek (National Pop music thesis award 2002).

Wachelder served as co-promoter for the PhD theses of B. Zwegers (promoter Prof. Dr. E. Homburg); T. van der Heijden (promoters Prof. Dr. M. Meijer and Prof. Dr. A. Fickers); C. Sommerey (promoter Prof. dr. E. Wesseling); J. Bruyninckx (cum laude; promoter prof. dr. K. Bijsterveld) ; A. Supper (cum laude; promoter prof. dr. K. Bijsterveld);  M. Lauwaert (promoter prof. dr. ir. W.E. Bijker); M. te Hennepe (promoter prof. dr. R. Zwijnenberg). Hennepe's thesis Depicting Skin has been laureated by the Praemium Erasmianum Foundation in 2008.