Jana Trifunović (J.)
Jana Trifunović is a Ph.D. researcher with the Faculty of Law, Department of Public Law, and a Montesquieu Institute Maastricht fellow. Within the context of today's data-driven information societies, Jana's doctoral research is aimed at exploring the legal and ethical implications of the practice of independent judicial research. For the purpose of this study, this notion has been defined as: judges, faced with unfamiliar, non-routine, scientifically or otherwise factually complex disputes; or incomplete and/or ambiguous trial evidence; independently gathering information, which is supplementary to the evidence obtained during trial and aimed at gaining a richer understanding of the dispute’s factual background.
Jana obtained her bachelor in Dutch Law from Erasmus University Rotterdam (Erasmus School of Law) and graduated cum laude from the LL.M. International and European Public Law (Erasmus School of Law). During her university studies, Jana worked as a student-assistant with the Erasmus School of Law, Department of International and European Union Law. She commenced her work with Maastricht University in September 2016 in the capacity of Lecturer in Law with the Department of Public Law, primarily teaching courses belonging to the LL.B. European Law School. Prior to joining Maastricht University, Jana assisted in the defence of General Ratko Mladić before the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia (ICTY).