I.D. Nikolova
Irina Nikolova, PhD, is an Assistant Professor (tenure-track) in Organizational Behavior & HRM at Maastricht University, School of Business and Economics, Department of Organization, Strategy, and Entrepreneurship. Prior to that she worked at the Department of Leadership and Organizational Behavior at BI Norwegian Business School. She holds a PhD in psychology from Open University of the Netherlands, and has been involved in research and teaching in Norway, the Netherlands, UK and Belgium. Her research focuses on organizational change, including digitalized workplaces and employee adaptation, leadership (e.g. engaging leadership, leader-member exchange), organizational climate (e.g. learning climate, job insecurity climate) and smart cities. Her work has been accepted for publication in journals such as Journal of Organizational Behavior, Journal of Vocational Behavior, Human Relations, Work and Stress, European Management Journal and Journal of Personnel Psychology.