Henk Diepenmaat

Professorial fellow

Henk Diepenmaat, PhD MSc MSc (1962), is a professorial fellow at the International Centre for Integrated Assessment and Sustainable Development (ICIS).


Henk lives on the edge of a forest in Zeist with his wife and two young adult sons. Henk is the director of Actors Process Management Ltd, a small consulting firm, and his primary expertise is in multi-actor process management and societal innovation. He has thirty years’ experience in getting a deep understanding of complex playing fields and working purposefully in them. Through his work, he creates value for businesses, governments, citizens, consumers, and other actors.

Professionally, Henk is best characterized as a reflective practitioner who uses a broad spectrum of scientific insights. In addition to this, he values and enjoys philosophizing and theorizing. However, what inspires him most and always remains his focal point is improving societal practice itself. In order to contribute to societal improvement, Henk advises and supports businesses, governments, and other organizations in strategy, innovation, and business or policy development and deployment. He is available for in-company and open workshops, lectures, and training in multi-actor process management and innovation. In these activities, he makes a point of using (and stretching) the actual interests and situations of the participants’ work and lives as ingredients for case studies so as to add relevance and meaning in order to facilitate maximum learning.

Henk has written several books, including a handbook Multi-Actor Process Management in Theory and Practice (in Dutch, English in preparation), and his magnum opus The Path of Humanity: Societal Innovation for the World of Tomorrow (in press).

Henk holds two master’s degrees (chemistry, Radboud University, Nijmegen, the Netherlands, and environmental sciences, Wageningen University, the Netherlands; knowledge and information technology, Middlesex University, London). His PhD research was about the theory and practice of multi-actor processes (Faculties of Spatial Sciences and Social Sciences, University of Amsterdam).



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