Funds for students

For students at Maastricht University (UM), several funds are available for financial support. You may be eligible for financial support if you incurred a study delay, if you are a top-level athlete, or if you are going to study abroad. There are also standard budget subsidies and funds for student initiatives that tie in with the vision of UM.

UM 'Profileringsfonds' Regulation

If your studies are delayed or you expect that your studies might be delayed, due to chronic or acute illness, pregnancy, personal circumstances, a position on the board of a student organisation or participation in top-level sports, and as a result you cannot graduate within the time allowed for your study programme, you may be able to get financial support from the UM 'Profileringsfonds' Regulation.

UM Promotion Fund

Subsidy for student activities

Starting student organisations that do not (yet) meet the criteria for fixed annual subsidy and students who organise an activity that fits within the vision and strategy of UM may be eligible for a Promotion Fund subsidy for student activities.

Regular budget subsidy for student organisations

Certain general UM-affiliated student organisations with 50 or more members, at least 35 of whom study at UM, may receive a fixed annual subsidy under certain conditions. This is called the regular budget subsidy.

Study grants and private funds

Grants for studying abroad

Are you a UM student interested in studying, doing an internship or doing research abroad? Then find out if there is a scholarship or fund to help you finance this. You may also consult scholarship opportunities through other organisations.

Private funds

Private funds are funds provided by foundations or organisations outside UM to students with financial difficulties and are awarded based on specific criteria, such as very high grades or other specific qualities. Keep in mind that private funds offer limited financial support, often in the form of a grant, but sometimes in the form of a loan on attractive terms. For most private funds you must submit a request on time and need a letter of support from a student dean. If so, please contact the student dean by email:

Find information about private funds via Nuffic’s Beursopener (in Dutch)

University Fund Limburg/SWOL

The University Fund Limburg/SWOL issues grants and subsidies under specific conditions. For good initiatives by students for students, the University Fund Limburg/SWOL provides annual grants specifically for activities by UM students. For students wishing to study in Maastricht, various scholarships are provided through the University Fund Limburg/SWOL.

On the University Fund Limburg website you can find more information and application terms

UM Emergency Fund

If, suddenly and unexpectedly, circumstances arise that lead to acute financial distress and jeopardise the continuation of your studies, and other available funds and arrangements within and outside the UM do not provide a solution, UM may be able to help with a one-off payment from the UM Emergency Fund. This benefit may not be used to pay your tuition fees. You can discuss with your study adviser whether submitting an application for the UM Emergency Fund is possible.