Dr Florence van Tienen (F.H.J.)

Florence van Tienen is assistant professor at the department Translational Genomics. Her research focusses on the development of an autologous myogenic stem cell therapy to combat myopathy in patients with a mitochondrial DNA mutation. Currently, a phase IIa clinical study is ongoing to assess effect and safety of autologous myogenic cell therapy in m.3243A>G mutation carriers. In parallel, preclinical research focussing on improving the characteristics of the myogenic stem cells and performing CRISPR-Cas9-mediated genetic correction in myogenic stem cells of DM1 and MDC1a patients.

Besides research, she is involved in teaching activities within the bachelor and master program Biomedical Sciences, and she is board member of MosaCell, an initiative to support research on patient-derived cells for disease modelling and therapy at the MUMC+.