Felix Peerboom (F.A.J.)

Felix is a PhD candidate/lecturer at Maastricht University (UM), Faculty of Law, Department of European Law. His research is conducted in the fields of International refugee- and European migration/asylum law, with a focus on the phenomenon of 'instrumentalised' migration.

As part of his current position Felix also lectures on matters of international- and EU law, is a member of the management teams of the Maastricht Centre for European Law (MCEL) and the Faculty of Law's Jean Monnet Chair in EU Migration Law and Governance, and is a member of the Case Law Editorial Team of the International Journal of Refugee Law.

Between October 2019 and May 2022, Felix worked as a lecturer in International and EU law at the UM's Faculty of Law.

In October 2019 Felix graduated cum laude from Maastricht University's Faculty of Law by successfully completing the Master International Laws LL.M. As part of that programme, Felix studied at McGill University (Montreal, Canada) for a semester.

In 2017 Felix successfully completed the bachelor programme: European Law School (reg. track) at Maastricht University.

  • International Refugee- and European Migration/Asylum Law
  • International and European Human Rights Law


Career history

2014-2017: LLB European Law School (reg. track), Maastricht University

2017-2019: LLM International Laws, Maastricht University.

2018: Exhange semerster at McGill University (Montreal, Canada).

2019-2022: Lecturer at the Faculty of Law, department of International and European Law

2022-Present: Lecturer-PhD Candidate at the Faculty of Law, department of International and European Law