Dr F.A. van Nieuwenhoven
Human Physiology
Cardiac remodeling: Hypertrophy and Fibrosis
Cardiac cell isolation: Cardiomyocytes and Fibroblasts
Cell isolation, culture and function
Paracrine interaction and growth factor signaling
Diabetes and its chronic complications
Career history
Associate Professor at Maastricht University
2020 - present
Assistant Professor at Maastricht University
2005 – 2020
Investigating cardiomyocyte-fibroblast interaction and the role of paracrine growth factor signaling in cardiac hypertrophy and heart failure.
Postdoc at UMC Utrecht
2001 – 2005 (4 years)
Role of growth factors in long term renal and cardiac complications of diabetes mellitus
Postdoc at Maastricht University
1996 – 2001 (5 years)
Research on myocardial metabolism and role of heat shock proteins in cardiac protection
PhD student at Maastricht University
1992 – 1996 (4 years)
Thesis on the biological significance of fatty acid-binding proteins in cardiac fatty acid uptake and on the use of their release from the cell as marker for myocardial tissue damage