07 May
12:00 - 14:00

Workshop on Employability Inspiration & Improvisation

We are glad to present you an exciting workshop on Employability Inspiration & Improvisation. The workshop is mainly focused on The Employability Scanner: Making the Implicit Explicit. Moreover, some inspirational “implicit” examples within UM are presented.

A more elaborate agenda for the workshop:
* We will elaborate on what employability is and how it is defined;
* How are competences developed in UM to increase student employability;
* How to make implicit academic activities explicit to both staff and students;
* Share some inspirational practices that are supporting student employability from different UM faculties;
* What is the role of staff in employability and how we can support the students.

Therefore, the workshop aims to share “best practices” and raise awareness on how to make certain educational activities more explicit and increase student employability. 

The workshop takes around 2 hours. Please note that the workshop is only held with at least 8 participants. Focus group of the workshop:

·       Employability coordinators 

·       Course coordinators

·      Everyone else who might be interested in the workshop

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