15 Nov
19:00 - 20:30

Working for a Better Future: Dutch Priorities in Lebanon - by Jan Waltmans, Dutch Ambassador in Lebanon

Ambassador Lectures presents to you our next speaker - Jan Waltmans, Ambassador of the Netherlands to Lebanon.

With the practical experience of conducting diplomacy in countries like Sudan, Afghanistan and Iraq, Mr Waltmans has been committed to fostering the Dutch-Lebanese relations.

As protests currently take place in Lebanon, the world is forced to take notice of the plight of a nation that has been seen as a proxy at the hands of key players in the Middle East. One may wonder whether Lebanon's battle with sectarian politics has ever reached a ceasefire stage.

In his interactive lecture, Mr Waltmans will provide an insight into the key challenges Lebanon faces, including the presence of over 1 million Syrian refugees. He will explain why the Dutch Government has decided to give a 'focus country status' to Lebanon. What does it mean to be a 'focus country' for the Embassy? What results can be achieved?

So join us on 15 November to learn first-hand about the Netherlands' priorities in Lebanon and how it is working towards a better future for the country.
FREE ENTRANCE! Please note that we operate on a first come, first served basis.

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