20 Oct
12:00 - 13:00

UM Data Science Research Seminar

The UM Data Science Research Seminar Series are monthly sessions organized by the Institute of Data Science, on behalf of the UM Data Science Community, in collaboration with different departments across UM with the aim to bring together data scientists from Maastricht University to discuss breakthroughs and research topics related to Data Science.

This session is organized in collaboration with the Department of Bioinformatics (BiGCaT) and will be a HYBRID event.



Time: 12:00 - 13:00

Speaker: Egon Willighagen.

Title: Making research output FAIR with Wikidata

Wikidata celebrates its 10th birthday this month. Different from its sister project Wikipedia, Wikidata is machine readable and semantic. This makes it an exciting approach to implementing the ideas of the international FAIR efforts.
This presentation will show what Wikidata has to offer to researchers and research institutes. Examples will start with the graphical front end to Wikidata called Scholia, showing how it provides an open infrastructure for knowledge dissemination. The presentation will show how this creates scholarly profiles for researchers (including Dutch university professors), research institutes, and scientific concepts, such as chemical compounds.
The presentation will continue with work from the FAIRplus project explaining how research output can be made more findable with Wikidata using deep indexing. A third example will show how Wikidata content can be used in research, with a focus cross-linking databases with global, unique identifier.
Finally, the presentation will end with a discussion of the underlying database, the application programming interfaces, and the live synchronized SPARQL end point. These tools allow for a scalable and reproducible infrastructure that integrated well with research workflows.