14 May
15:30 - 18:00
ITEM Event

Student debate with European parliamentarians


This event is in the past. Check out the event summary and video from the Student debate with parliamentarians

In the run-up to the 2019 European elections, Maastricht University's ITEM Expertise Centre is holding a student debate with European parliamentarians (MEPs) on 14 May at the Bonbonnière in Maastricht. During this debate, students can express their opinions and hear from MEPs on important issues in Europe, such as working and studying at home and abroad, or security and migration in Europe.

Who are the MEPs?

  • Felix Klos has worked as spokesman of the group chairman of D66 in the Dutch parliament and is now one of the forerunners of D66 (part of ALDE) for the European elections. He graduated in Politicology at Middlebury College, U.S., and in Modern British and European History at Lincoln College, Oxford.
  • Jacques Michel Bloi has years of experience as the coordinator of cross-border cooperation of the VVD Region South. During this election, he would like to go a step further by representing VVD (part of ALDE) in the European Parliament. He studied European Studies at Maastricht University.
  • Jannes de Jong is currently Head of Unit at the ECR Group in the European Parliament and is running for election on behalf of the ChristenUnie. He studied International Development Studies at Utrecht University.
  • Jeroen Lenaers has been in the European Parliament since 2014 for the CDA as member of the European People's Party. He studied European Studies at Maastricht University.

Who can attend?
The debate is open for all students, in principle, from any institution. Registration is currently closed, but you can be placed on the waiting list by sending an email to pim.mertens@maastrichtuniversity.nl  

What is the format?
A number of study associations have been selected to come up with propositions for the debate. During the event, these students will take turns stating their propositions. For each proposition, the MEPs will respond, after which the moderator will give students in the audience a chance to join the debate. The audience members will also be able to share their views using the online tool Kahoot, which will be projected onto a big screen. The moderator will use this input to formulate questions to the MEPs and the participants.

What topics will be debated?
Students will decide on the content of this debate! We want to hear what you have to say. The MEPs will be responding to the issues that you think are most important. 

What is the programme?

15.00-15.30 Reception and registration with coffee and cake
15.30-18.00 Student debate
18.00-18.45 Closing drink

For questions, please contact Pim Mertens at pim.mertens@maastrichtuniversity.nl

About ITEM
ITEM is Maastricht University’s Institute for Transnational and Euregional cross border cooperation and Mobility. The countries of the European Union are confronted with great challenges following the increasing globalisation of the economy and the internationalisation of the current and future society. The expertise centre ITEM operates at the convergence of research, counselling, knowledge exchange, and training activities in the domain of cross-border mobility and cooperation. 

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