25 Jan

On-Site PhD conferral mr. Gijsbert W. de Kort

Supervisor: prof.dr. S. Rastogi

Co-supervisor: dr.ir. C.H.R.M. Wilsens, Brightlands Chemolot, Geleen

Key words: composites, recycling, polylactide, liquid crystalline polymers, sustainability

"Thermotropic polyesters and polylactide: a route to sustainable and reprocessable reinforced composites"

Reinforced plastic composites are a class of that are both strong and light. They typically consist of a strong fiber surrounded by a softer matrix. The performance of the material as a whole is strongly dependent on the properties of the fibers. Although the performance of reinforced composites is excellent, they are not easily reused after they fail. Reinforced composites can be recycled via different routes: recovery of the fibers or mechanical recycling of the complete composite. The second route is generally favorable, but the material properties decrease as the fibers are damaged in the process. This research was focused on the development of composite materials where the reinforcing fibers are formed while the materials is molded into a product. Upon recycling, the material is molten and remolded allowing the fibers to be formed again. Therefore, the developed composites are not only strong and light but also more sustainable.

Click here for the full dissertation.

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