10 Feb

On-site PhD conferral Martijn Dietvorst

Supervisor: Prof. dr. L. W. van Rhijn

Co-supervisors: Dr. R.P.A. Janssen (Maxima Medisch Centrum Veldhoven), Dr. M. C. van der Steen (Maxima Medisch Centrum Veldhoven)

"Anterior cruciate ligament injuries in children and adolescents"

Keywords: ACL, paediatric, adolescent, knee

Anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injuries are a severe injury of the knee, especially in children and adolescents. The evidence on management is still low. The aim of this thesis was to gain evidence for daily practice and for future research. It consists of three themes: (1) current state of care in the Netherlands, (2) diagnostics and predictors, and (3) outcomes measures and (p)rehabilitation.

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