29 Jan
16:00 - 17:30

Seminar Series Professionals in Sustainability #2: water use

Increasingly there a jobs available within the sustainability field. There is a need of lawyers, entrepreneurs, researchers, policymakers and much more who have a background in sustainability. Do you see yourself pursuing a career in the field? Then you are invited to attend monthly seminars with professionals from the field. Learn from their struggles and successes and ask your questions!

This seminar series is mainly aimed at students, however as a staff member you may be interested to join, learn and get inspired from sustainability professionals as well!

Do you know of inspiring sustainability professionals that you would like us to invite to the seminar series? Then let us know, as we try to tailor the talks to your interest as much as possible.

No need to sign up.

Diederik van Duuren
Diederik van Duuren

Seminar #2: Water use
For this seminar we have invited an alumnus from the master Sustainability Science, Policy and Society: Diederik van Duuren. He is a boundary worker (rare species) active in the water sector. One the one hand, he has a corporate role as a strategy and innovation advisor: implementing sustainability from strategy to action at WML (Water Maatschappij Limburg). On the other hand, he is an external PhD researcher at ICIS (UM) focused on transitioning the water sector towards a more sustainable water system. He will discuss questions such as:

What does mean sustainability in practice? Wat are the language barriers between practice and science? How could the water system of the future look like? What do you as a sustainability professional offer to society?

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