PhD Defence Anouk Rijken

Supervisor: Prof. dr. I.H.J.T. de Hingh

Co-supervisor: Dr. F.N. van Erning

Keywords: Peritoneal metastases, cancer, epidemiology, population-based

"The burden of peritoneal metastases Exploring epidemiological and clinical aspects using population-based data"

Since reliable and up-to-date epidemiological information on peritoneal metastases is currently lacking, the aim of this thesis was to provide insight into the burden of peritoneal metastases by exploring epidemiological and clinical aspects from a variety of primary cancers.

Previously, peritoneal metastases were considered as a terminal condition without effective treatment options. Nowadays, a more proactive attitude towards peritoneal metastases is practiced due to the evolution of loco regional and systemic therapies for these patients depending on their primary cancer. This renewed interest in peritoneal metastases points out the need for up-to-date epidemiological data regarding peritoneal metastases. This thesis investigated different epidemiological and clinical aspects (such as incidence, risk factors, treatment and survival) of patients with peritoneal metastases from colon cancer, gastric cancer, liver cancer, pancreatic cancer, biliary tract cancer, lung cancer and cancer from unknown primary.

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