17 Mar

PhD conferral Ms Rosalia J.M. van Knippenberg, MSc.

Supervisors: prof.dr. F.R.J. Verhey; prof.dr. R.W. Pondsl, prof.dr. I. Myin-Germeys
Co-supervisor: dr. M.E. de Vugt

“Experience sampling in dementia care; an innovative intervention to support caregivers in daily life”

Keywords: dementia, caregivers, intervention, experience sampling method

This dissertation describes the development and evaluation of an innovative e-health intervention to support the partners of people with dementia. The intervention is based on the experience sampling method, in which caregivers are asked to track their daily functioning in an electronic journal. This makes it easier to respond to the needs of caregivers and to provide patients with more efficient care. After participating in the e-health intervention, the caregivers felt more capable of taking on their caregiving responsibilities and experienced less stress and fewer negative thoughts. With the number of dementia patients expected to rise in the future, support for informal caregivers will become indispensable.

This study was financed by the Dutch Alzheimer's Association.

More information: https://www.alzheimeronderzoekfondslimburg.nl/actueel/agenda/promotie-rosalie-van-knippenberg

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