13 Oct

PhD conferral Ms Anna G.M. Wolters, MPhil.

Supervisors: prof.dr. K. Horstman; prof.dr. G. de Wert, prof.dr. C.P. van Schayck

“The vaccinisation of ‘unhealthy’ lifestyles? Vaccines to stop smoking: a study into responsible research and innovation”

Keywords: health, lifestyle, vaccination, socially responsible innovation, quitting smoking

Currently, vaccines are being developed against various types of ‘unhealthy’ lifestyles such as smoking, eating too much and alcoholism. These innovations, particularly a quit smoking vaccine, are highly anticipated. This dissertation examines whether these innovations are socially responsible. The study results show that experimental vaccines are not yet able to fully meet the needs and standards of society. Besides, lifestyle vaccines are no panacea. For instance, it will still be difficult to quit smoking, even after vaccination. With traditional policies in place, lifestyle vaccines will hardly be able to improve public health. It is necessary for ethicists, social scientists, policy makers and end users to participate in the development of innovations in order to achieve socially responsible results.

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