29 Apr

PhD conferral mrs. Karlijn A.H.J. Thoonen

Supervisor: prof.dr. H. de Vries

Co-supervisors: dr. L. van Osch, dr. F. Schneider

Keywords: primary skin cancer prevention, sun protective behaviour, intervention development, sun protection of children, health promotion

"Breaking through the clouds - towards understanding sunburn, sun exposure and sun protection of children in the Netherlands"

To change behaviour, it is important to understand the behaviour. Skin cancer, the most common type of cancer in the Netherlands, can be largely reduced by implementing adequate sun protection behaviours. This protection is particularly crucial in childhood, as children's skin is extra sensitive to sun damage. Sun protection can include applying sunscreen, putting on clothing, a hat or sunglasses, and seeking shade in a timely manner. Because very little was known in the area of sun protection for children, this study was conducted on sunburns, sun exposure, and the sun protection of children. This was done by interviewing parents and following a larger group of parents for three years in an online survey study.  In addition, the effectiveness of existing sun protection interventions abroad was compared. All studies allow this dissertation to provide input for future sun protection interventions for parents and their children.

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