16 Nov

PhD Conferral Mr. Bas Penders, MSc.

Supervisor: prof.dr. L.J.I. Zimmermann
Co-supervisors: dr. W.J.M. Gerver, dr. A.C.E. Vreugdenhil

Keywords: anthropometry, photometry, children, body proportions

"Photogrammetric anthropometry in Children"

This dissertation provides evidence for the usefulness of photogrammetric anthropometry, a new method to measure body proportions in children based on digital photos. The applications of this technique are also explored. These involve, for instance, the monitoring of the health status of children by estimating their body fat percentage. These also involve the examination of body proportions in two genetic syndromes, namely CHARGE syndrome and Kabuki syndrome. Photometry is shown to be an accurate and reliable alternative to manual measurements and applicable in daily practice.

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