06 Oct

PhD conferral Dhr. Christianus J.L.M. van Ganzewinkel, MSc.

Supervisor: Prof.dr. B.W.W. Kramer
Co-supervisor: Dr. P. Andriessen, MMC Veldhoven

“NEONATAL PAIN; Out of Sight, Out of Mind?”

Keywords: infant pain, paracetamol, adolescence

This dissertation is about pain in infants, both the definition of the concept and treatment thereof. It is the first dissertation to offer a description of chronic pain in infants and it also examined the effects of five paracetamol injections per day in infants born before 32 gestational weeks. The blood results show that this is a safe method of pain treatment for infants. The effects of infant pain in adolescence are negligible, with the exception of premature babies with a cerebral haemorrhage or severe bowel inflammation. Christ-Jan van Ganzewinkel is a nurse specialist in the Neonatology Department at Máxima Medisch Centrum.

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    PhD Defence Anne C.M. Cuijpers

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