29 Jan
13:00 - 18:00
7th Pension Seminar Maastricht

Pensioenseminar 2018

<center style="margin-right:100px">PENSIOEN: 'OUTSIDE IN'</center>

What is the impact of European and international developments on our Dutch pension system and how can be anticipated to this policy? The appointment of Trump as president and the possible passage of Brexit are developments that suddenly set the political playing field sharp. Policy agendas need to be adapted to this, but it is not always clear which line should be followed. Insights into the possible consequences are not always clearly predictable.

For the next Pension Seminars in Maastricht, the theme 'Pension: Outside In' has been chosen. Developments and trends in Europe, from the European institutions and abroad, require at least an impact assessment with regard to the Dutch pension system and ideally a translation into Dutch pension mindset. The current discussion about the pension system in the Netherlands is very strong internally, nationally focused and sometimes ends up in the smallest details, while the impact of foreign and European developments or other social developments outside the pension domain are barely taken into account.

The interdisciplinary nature of pension means that the influences from various policy areas have to be taken into account. If we look at the pension sector in the United Kingdom, we see that they are also affected by uncertainties, where they wonder how Brexit will impact their business models and management models, to what extent a disruption will occur with their service providers, as also how far it will lead to problems in the field of employment and to what extent it will affect rates. 

It seems logical that the British pension sector is worried about this, but would it not be logical that the Netherlands asks the same questions for themselves? In view of the political developments, for example, the Netherlands loses a major pension partner in Europe when Brexit is a fact. These European and international developments continue in political actions and in determining the policy agendas of various pension-related policy areas, such as Market Regulation, Capital Market and Labor Market.

In this 7th Pension Seminar we take the audience into the European power field that also influences the European Pension policy agenda. We show how certain events and trends have an effect in European thinking (in Brussels) and what effects this can have on the European policy agendas of various pension-related policy areas, such as the capital market, market regulation and the labor market. During this afternoon seminar the possible impact of a Pan European personal pension product will be adressed, as well as the gathering of data by the European supervisor and the unintended impact of regulations.

<a name="Programme"></a>Programme

Monday 29 January 2018

Location: Faculty of Law, Statenzaal, Bouillonstraat 1-3, Maastricht, Netherlands

13.00 - 13.30 Ontvangst met lunchbuffet
13.30 - 13.35 Opening & korte inleiding door middagvoorzitter
Janwillem Bouma, Managing Director bij Shell Pensioenfonds NL / Voorzitter Pensions Europe
13.35 - 13.55 Politieke speelveld in Europa
Jeroen Lenaers, Europarlementariër, Brussel
13.55 - 14.25       Europees persoonlijk pensioen schaadt Nederland niet
Sophie In ’t Veld, Europarlementariër, Brussel
14.25 - 15.00 Pauze
15.00 - 15.45 Improving European pensions statistics – insights into EIOPA’s initiative
Barthold Kuipers, Principal Expert on Pensions at EIOPA, Frankfurt am Main
15.45 - 16.30 Onbedoelde effecten van regulering
Roel Mehlkopf, Senior strategisch beleidsadviseur, DNB
16.30 - 16.45 Afsluiting door middagvoorzitter
16.45 - 18.00 Borrel

General information

Registration Register via this link
Fee € 155 (incl. lunch)
Contact Via e-mail:

joyce.berghmans@maastrichtuniversity.nl or item@maastrichtuniversity.nl

Location Maastricht University – Faculty of Law
Bouillonstraat 1-3 in Maastricht

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