01 Oct
10:00 - 11:00
FEM Webinar

The Pandemic and the Female Academic

"Research requires time and space to breathe and be creative, this is not something you can do in between playing with LEGOs and cooking lunch"  

Alessandra Minello, the author of the now famous article about the maternal wall in academia that was published on Nature earlier this year, will talk to us about the pandemic and the female academic, and will present the facts and figures of how women in academia were affected by the COVID-19 lockdown. 

In the early months of the COVID-19 crisis, social media and news platforms were flooded with articles regarding the increased workload of parents and people with caring tasks when working from home. For the most part, women took on a greater proportion of caring for others and maintaining their households. As a result, they published less, had fewer opportunities to focus on work, and their careers will suffer for that reason. 

Let's discuss this! FEM is organising a zoom webinar to discuss the impact of the pandemic on women in academia.

Do you want to follow the event? 
You can register as a participant, and take part in the Q&A and interactive parts of the event. Alternatively, you can also follow the event live on the Maastricht University Youtube channel. The webinar will also be recorded and shared with the UM community.
Register as a participant through this link or the green botton, or follow the event on the UM Youtube channel!

Dr. Alessandra Minello works as Assistant Professor of Demography at the University Of Florence, Italy. Her academic research focuses on gender dynamics in several areas: from education to sexuality. 
Website: www.alessandraminello.com

Do you have questions about the event? Send us an email at fem@maastrichtuniversity.nl

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