12 Oct
14:00 - 18:00

Online M-BIC Open Science Symposium



Invited speakers:

  • Robert Oostenveld (Donders Institute for Brain, Cognition and Behaviour, Radboud University, Nijmegen, the Netherlands)
  • Michael Hanke (Institute of Neuroscience and Medicine, Brain and Behaviour [INM-7], Forschungszentrum Juelich, Germany)


Talks and Discussions on Open Science

We are glad to announce the online M-BIC Open Science Symposium which will include talks and, most important, a lot of room for discussions.

Most of you have witnessed that open science principles inluding open access publishing, FAIR sharing of research data and code on public repositories, and transparent review and reporting practices are increasingly promoted within the scientific community. Some principles already consitute or are becoming the new requirement for scientific work and communication set, for example, by scientific journals and funding agencies.

We are happy to have two speakers, Robert Oostenveld (Donders Nijmegen) and Michael Hanke (FZ Jülich) who are at the forefront of these developments for EEG and MRI data and will discuss their experiences and motivation to promote and work with the Open Science framework in mind. In addition, Rainer Goebel will present current developments in BrainVoyager inspired by these principles and staff of the local Intitute of Data Science and the University Library will be available for discussion and your questions concerning the current developments and solutions at Maastricht University. 

One result of this symposium will be the collection of resources that will be available and updated continuously to help us be up-to-date with the current possibilities for performing and communicating your research.   

To better prepare the symposium and make sure that we comply with COVID-19 measures, it would be great if you could fill in this very short questionnaire, which will take you less than 3min.


Preliminary Program

14:00 Introduction

14:10 Talk by Robert Oostenveld (Donders/RU Nijmegen)

14:40 Discussion

**Short break **

15:00 Introduction 

15:10 Talk by Michael Hanke (Juelich)

15:40 Discussion

**Short break**

16:00 Pitch on Brainvoyager & open science – Rainer Goebel (CN)

16:10 Pitch on Data Management facilities at UM – Erik Jansen (UM Library) / Carlos Utrilla Guerrero (UM Data Science))

16:20 Pitch on UM Open Science Community – Dennie Hebels (MERLN Institute, FHML)

16:30 Discussion on (status of) open science@CN, what is available, what do we need to move on?