NEXT ITEM: How to measure cross-border cooperation in the framework of Interreg programmes?

ITEM online event

Results from the Interreg Project Crossquality and the first pilot application in the Euregio Meuse Rhine


How good is the cooperation of public sector bodies, companies or citizens in our cross-border region? How can we describe the quality of cross-border networks and entities? And finally: what are precisely the positive effects of an Interreg programme on the different aspects of cooperation and governance across borders?

In 2021 and 2022, the Crossquality project developed a methodology to measure the quality of cross-border cooperation related to Interreg programmes. With this innovative qualitative assessment methodology, it is possible to better assess the effects of Interreg programmes in a specific programme area. This Next ITEM is dedicated to the discussion of this assessment methodology. (Academic) experts are invited to discuss the methodology and its relevance for Interreg and cross-border cooperation.

The event is open for all and will be online via ZOOM.

Presentation and Debate


Welcome round and introduction: The partners of the project
Martin Unfried, Project leader, ITEM Crossquality
Prof. Martina Fromhold-Eisebith, RTWH Aachen
Prof. Elly van de Velde, Hasselt University
Prof. Roland Billen, University of Liège
Tamara Koenen, EGTC Euregio Meuse-Rhine


Crossquality – A methodology to better assess the quality of cross-border cooperation and the experiences with the first application in the Euregio Meuse Rhine
Fabian Fahl, RWTH Aachen, Casper Kikken, Hasselt University  


Crossquality – The pilot: What are the results related to the Interreg programme Euregio Meuse Rhine?
Martin Unfried/Pim Mertens, ITEM, Maastricht University


The Quality of cross-border cooperation: How to bring light into the black box?
Moderator Martin Unfried


End of the workshop



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