19 Jan
FEM & SCC presents

Negotiation for women: how to narrow the gender gap in negotiation

Negotiation studies have found that, overall, men tend to achieve better economic results in negotiation than women. Even if this gender difference is small in a single negotiation, little differences add up over time since negotiations take place on such a regular basis. People negotiate every day, both at home and at work. Negotiation is not only about salary, it is also about tasks, opportunities, visibility, development and time.

How do you tend to negotiate? And with what results? Together we explore what difficulties you experience, and also what you already know and do well. We’ll lay a solid fundament in the basic skills of negotiation. How to be soft on the relation and firm on your interests? How can you put a positive spin on your message, and keep emotions under control?

Workshops on 19 (sold out) >> extra training on 27 January 2021

This gender gap is influenced by multiple factors, that all need to be addressed. Since we have to start somewhere, let’s ask ourselves “What can women themselves do in order to narrow this gender gap in negotiation?” How to negotiate more effectively, being a woman, without facing the social backlash that is often reported when women start to negotiate more assertively?

After last year’s successful run of the training ‘Negotiation for women: how to narrow the gender gap in negotiation’, FEM is organising a new round of trainings in collaboration with the UM Staff Career Centre available for UM staff. For the training, Susanne Maris, will hold an interactive module with live zoom training based on discussion, role play, and reflection exercises.  To support our UM community, FEM will cover part of the fee for the training.

This workshop helps you be more aware of what you already do, in other words: what is your default behaviour in negotiations? And what response is to be expected from the other party? Furthermore we’ll work on how to extend the range of options you can choose from, while negotiating. How do you tend to negotiate? And with what results? Together we explore what difficulties you experience, and also what you already know and do well. We’ll lay a solid fundament in the basic skills of negotiation. How to be soft on the relation and firm on your interests? How can you put a positive spin on your message, and keep emotions under control?

Target group 

Women working at Maastricht University, both scientific and support staff.


  • Be aware of your preferred way of communicating and negotiating;
  • Be attentive to what response your behaviour may cause in the other party;
  • See the range of options you have when negotiating.


After the workshop you have your personal negotiation plan ready. So now you know what to do, how can you prepare for your next negotiation? Make explicit what you are planning to try out and improve in current and future negotiations. When will you negotiate? About what? And how?


  • Reflection exercises
  • Role play
  • Interactive discussion


The course consists of an interactive online module with live zoom training that takes half a day.


Your faculty or service centre will be charged half of the total costs of this training. The other half is paid out of the central means. Regarding this training an amount of € 42 will be charged to your department.


You can register for the course through the link (full)

Please note: the 19 January course is sold out but there is an extra training on 27 January 13.00-17.00 hrs. Sign up now!

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