06 Feb
16:00 - 20:00

Master's Fair 2018

Go off the beaten track!
Explore your options at the Master’s Fair

The Master’s Fair is a new event to explore all UM Master’s programmes in one location. There may be more master’s programmes to pick from at Maastricht University than you think! Ever thought about a master’s programme in Law after a European Studies bachelor? Or a master’s programme in Healthcare Policy, Innovation and Management with your bachelor’s degree in International Business or Economics? These are just two examples of the many options you may have.


Maastricht University offers a number of multidisciplinary master’s programmes of which you maybe are not aware. At the Master’s Fair the entire master’s offer will be presented in the following set-up:

• Arts & Culture
• Business and Economics
• Globalisation, Sustainability and Development
• Health, Medicine and Life Sciences & Psychology
• Law, Politics and Governance 
• Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM)


Read why David, Samantha and Sten didn't choose the obvious

David Kaik

Name: David Kaik
Bachelor's programme: European Public Health
Master's programme: European Studies

During my Bachelor's studies, I became interested in politics and international relations. After doing my minor in European Studies, I realised that that was the programme for me. In order to gain more experience in political sciences, I began to attend more modules related to policy-making as opposed to healthcare. At the end of my Bachelor's, I did my thesis placement at the United Nations University where I wrote on potential impacts the TTIP could have on EU food safety and environmental protection regulations. Having acquired the necessary knowledge in political sciences, I applied to do a Master's in European Studies. I am doing the International Relations track since issues of foreign policy, and in particular EU-Russia relations, truly fascinate me.

Staying at UM, I could more easily change the programme of studies compared to other universities. Additionally, I got a job at the SSC so it made perfect sense to stay in town.

Samantha Ritterfeld

Name: Samantha Crans
Bachelor's programme: Psychology
Master's programme: Management of Learning

During my bachelor's at FPN I discovered two main interests, namely legal psychology and work/organizational psychology. Since I had chosen most of my (bachelor) electives in the field of legal psychology and worked as a student-assistant to several professors of that department, choosing a master in legal psychology seemed only natural to me. However, after completing a master’s degree in legal psychology, I felt it would be a shame to not pursue my other interest and went on to the other side of the river. Management of Learning really sparked my interest, because it combines elements from the fields of economics, business, human resource management and learning sciences. You get to tackle learning and development (L&D) challenges. It is totally different to legal psychology but my background really helped me to approach L&D topics from a psychological perspective as well. I was always interested in how employees perform within an organization and what factors hindered and supported their development. Now I am able to approach learning at the workplace from several perspectives and several levels (micro vs macro).

I really appreciated the PBL system at Maastricht University and felt it encourages you to dig a bit deeper into the subject. Furthermore, you get the chance to develop your competencies in different ways (e.g., presenting, facilitating, writing etc). And, obviously, the master programme that suited me best was only offered in Maastricht, at SBE.

Sten Ritterfeld

Name: Sten Ritterfeld
Bachelor's programme: European Law School
Master's programme: Public Policy and Human Development

I started European Law School at Maastricht University mostly because I was intrigued by the very international environment that the city and university offer. During my Law Bachelor, I noticed that this was not exactly what I wanted. I wanted to go more into politics and governance.

However, I was not sure after finishing my Bachelor what the next step should be. I had written my Bachelor thesis on the European Emissions Trading Scheme, because I wanted to move into the direction of sustainability. I noticed that I wanted to write more about policy than law, and then I realized that this should be my next step. I was not entirely sure, so I left Maastricht for a year, contemplating studying at other universities… But I came back. Because I missed the city, I missed the people, I missed the university. And so I started the Public Policy Master at United Nations University in Maastricht. It has been great!

Since PBL is used throughout the program, it was not a big leap from my Bachelor to my Master program, so it allowed me to really focus on the substance. Even though I had a gap year in between, I did not have to re-submit certain documents the university already had, which was quite convenient. When I returned in August, it really felt like coming home!

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