04 Sep 07 Sep
09:00 - 20:00


LIGO/Virgo scientists worldwide meet twice a year to discuss the latest developments. From Tuesday 4 through Friday 7 September of this year this meeting will take place at Maastricht University. Including an interesting programme for non-scientists.

It will have eluded nobody: at present, there is a revolution on foot in physics! In 2016, the American-European LIGO/Virgo Collaboration announced to the world that for the first time a gravitational wave had been measured. One hundred years ago, Albert Einstein had already predicted that, but up till now they had never been observed. Gravitational waves have totally altered our view of the universe: where before 2016 mankind had only been able to look at the universe by means of light, we now can also listen to it by means of gravitational waves. With this wealth of new information lots of astrophysical mysteries have been solved. Moreover, scientists have made new discoveries regularly since this first detection.

Gravitational waves are also an interesting subject for people with a broad interest in the universe, teachers of physics and ambitious pre-university students. Therefore, the Faculty of Science and Engineering of Maastricht University has put together a various programme of activities for the public, which will take place parallel to the LIGO/Virgo meeting.


Tuesday 4 September
Lecture on gravitational waves


Wednesday 5 September

For students of physics we will show the cinema hit Interstellar, but not without an educational touch of course. Previous to the film a university teacher will ask questions which the students will have to answer during the film. After the presentation, we will discuss these questions and an explanation will be given about what is really true in this film. For those who are interested, the film Interstellar will also be shown in the evening. As Nobel Prize winner Kip Thorne was co-author of this film, we can expect the physics of the script to be true. A university teacher will discuss this with you before and after the film.

Location: Lumiere, Maastricht
Time: 11:00 hours (class) and 19:.00 hours
Language: Dutch

Ask your question!

Thursday 6 September

For students with physics in their profile: ask your question about black holes, the origin of the universe, gravitational waves and your most bizarre science fiction dream by means of video message. All videos will be collected per class. Scientists present will answer the questions during the conference. We will also make a video of this, which can be shown in class as part of the lesson.

Location and time: to be decided
Language: Dutch

Masterclass relativity theory

Thursday 6 September

In secondary education, the special relativity theory is often explained by means of thought experiments of trains, mirrors and light rays. This explanation, unfortunately, comes with many misconceptions.

This masterclass is aimed at teachers of physics who are looking for new tools to explain the relativity heory to their pupils, who have encountered misconceptions or who wish to deepen their conceptual knowledge. The workshop is also open to ambitious pre-university students.

Location: Kapoenstraat 2, Maastricht
Time: 11:00 hours
Language: Dutch

Lecture for bachelor students

Friday 7 September

For bachelor students who are following a training or are very much interested in physics. The lecture, given by an expert in the field of gravitational waves, will deal with the relativity theory and the latest developments, which have been discussed during the conference.

Location: MECC
Time: 13:00 hours
Language: English

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