18 Apr
09:00 - 13:30

Law and Popular Culture


The Roundtable will bring together multiple approaches to the place of law in popular culture. Further, the Roundtable will show the manner in which popular culture
affects law and the understanding by actors in society. Previous experiences at UM include a MaRBLe Project directed by Jan Smits, having gathered papers by students
on alternative perceptions of justice. The Roundtable aims to trigger further interest on this area of study, alerting on the value that non-conventional approaches to law
offer to the better understanding of social sciences.


Room number C0.311B, Faculty of Law, Bouillonstraat 1-3, 6211 LH Maastricht.


Funds for the realization of the event were provided by the Science Committee and the Department of Foundations and Methods of Law of the Faculty of Law of Maastricht University.


Registration is open and participation is free of charge.



09:00 Opening Remarks, Agustín Parise

First Session

Moderator: Madalena Narciso

09:05 Neofytos Sakellaridis Mangouras
Tupac for Two-Pack: Popular Culture as a means for Engagement in Legal Education
09:25 Discussion

09:40 Karolina Podstawa
On the Movies that Make and Destroy the European Union Dream 
10:00 Discussion

10:15 John Cotter
'To live outside the law you must be honest': The Evil of the Law in the Songs of Bob Dylan
10:35 Discussion

10:50 Coffee Break

Second Session

Moderator: Julieta Marotta

11:20 Antonia Waltermann
Westworld, Detroit: Become Human and Dennett’s Intentional Systems
11:40 Discussion

11:55 Felipe Oliveira de Sousa
The Law's Tragedy and the Death of a Philosopher: Reflections on Socrates in the Crito
12:15 Discussion

12:30 Agustín Parise
John H. Wigmore (1863-1943) and Ignacio Winizky (1910-1988): Drawing Pan-American Parallels on the Origins of the Law and Literature Movement
12:50 Discussion

13:05 General Discussion

13:25 Closing Remarks, John Cotter

13:30 Lunch

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