24 Mar
18:00 - 20:00

New date for IPKM expert lecture by Fredrik Erixon

The Advanced Master programme Intellectual Property and Knowledge Management (IPKM) is glad to present the IPKM expert lecture by Fredrik Erixon on 24 March 2017, at 18.00h in the Feestzaal of the Faculty of Law, after it had to be cancelled in January this year. Fredrik Erixon is the director and co-founder of the European Centre for International Political Economy (ECIPE), an international economics think tank based in Brussels. In his talk, entitled “Intellectual property rights and the quest for innovation”, Fredrik Erixon will address the IP aspects of his new book “The Innovation Illusion”, published by the Yale University Press.

ipkm lecture

In his talk entitled “Intellectual property rights and the quest for innovation”, he will address the following:
“Western economies are far less innovative than they think and have been on a multi-decade long stagnation in fostering innovation, economic experimentation and adaptation. Corporate practices and government regulation both explain the trend of declining innovation, and the structure of intellectual property is a piece in the puzzle of understanding why diffusion of innovation has been so slow. In the lecture, Fredrik Erixon will talk about both general economic observations of innovation and take examples from the corporate world. He will especially address what aspects of the IP system that have positive or negative economic consequences and that damage innovation."

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