04 Oct
16:00 - 17:00

Growing Up in Science: Pamela Habibović

Did you ever wonder about the real stories of your colleagues? Behind every success you can read on a CV, are the numerous failed attempts, challenges and lessons learned. And then there are also all the successes that no one ever hears about. 

Growing Up in Science is a regular speaker series with academics who are willing to share their “real stories”. The Maastricht Young Academy believes that sharing these stories is important because as a community, we can listen to each other, support each other and, thereby, learn from each other!

4 October: Pamela Habibović

Pamela Habibovic

In this episode Rector Magnificus Pamela Habibović tells her story. You are invited!

Prof. dr. Pamela Habibović (1977) is Professor of Inorganic Biomaterials at Maastricht University. Since February 2022, she holds the position of Rector Magnificus of Maastricht University. Habibović was a founding partner of MERLN Institute for Technology-Inspired Regenerative Medicine, established in 2014, and Chair of MERLN’s Department for Instructive Biomaterials Engineering. Between 2019 and 2022, she was the Scientific Director of MERLN.

GUIS network

The Growing Up in Science initiative was established in 2014 at New York University by Prof. Wei Ji Ma and Prof. Cristina Alberini. 

 Find the global Growing Up in Science YouTube channel here

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