GROW Break Meeting with Luc Smits on Prediction Models💻
Join the next GROW Break Meeting with Luc Smits
Effective Prediction Modelling: From Idea to Impact
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The medical literature is inundated with papers introducing new prediction models. Most will ultimately become research waste — valuable time and funding invested without any benefit for patients or improvements in healthcare efficiency. Some models may find their way into clinical practice, yet often without evidence of external validity or demonstrated impact on patient care. How to increase chances that your prediction model won’t end up at the scientific landfill, and will contribute to better care? This presentation will guide you through the key steps and essential components of effective prediction modeling.
Luc Smits (1968) is a Professor of Clinical Epidemiology and Risk-Based Care at Maastricht University. He has extensive experience with both the successes and limitations of healthcare innovations based on prediction models. Together with colleagues, he is currently working on a book about effective prediction modeling, scheduled for publication in 2025.
Join the online GROW Break Meetings, open to anyone interested! For these meetings different speakers are invited to inform researchers about interesting topics. For example, several researchers have shared an overview of their research including lessons learned. Other speakers focused on pitching, knowledge transfer and entrepreneurship, p-values, SPIN and much more. An hour filled with information on interesting topics and the opportunity to ask questions!