09 Jan 10 Jan
12:30 - 18:00
Digitalisation, Ethics and EU Fundamental Rights

first Jean Monnet NOVA-EU workshop

The debate on the impact of digitalisation on EU fundamental rights and the development of ethical principles is gradually gaining attention in the EU policy fora, within EU expert groups and in the academic discussion in Europe. The EU data protection package in 2018 and the overhaul of the EU e-Privacy regime raise numerous questions as to how digitalisation can impact EU fundamental rights to privacy and data protection.

In the context of digitalisation, new and emerging technologies - such as IoT, blockchain and smart cities, AI, Big Data, etc. - pose challenges and threats in relation to the existing EU fundamental rights framework. On the one hand, these technologies put pressure on the fundamental rights framework. On the other hand, the application of these new technologies can also help empower citizens and aid in strengthening and reinvigorating fundamental rights in practice. Hence, the development of digital tools may not only have a negative impact on EU fundamental rights and ethical principles but can also lead to the creation of tools to protect those rights and principles.





Thursday 9 January

  • 12.30-13.00: Registration
  • 13.00-13.30: Welcome & introduction by Andrea Ott and Maja Brkan (Maastricht University)
  • 13.30-14.15: Keynote lecture by Giovanni Sartor (University of Bologna and EUI)
  • 14.15-16.00: Panel 1 - EU fundamental rights and ethics in the wake of digitalisation
  • 16.00-16.30: Coffee break
  • 16.30-18.00: Panel 2 - The impact of digitalisation on democracy and freedom of expression

Friday 10 January

  • 08.30-09.00: Registration
  • 09.00-10.30: Panel 3 - Digitalisation challenges and judicial proceedings
  • 10.30-11.00: Coffee break
  • 11.00-12.30: Panel 4 - Digital platforms and EU fundamental rights
  • 12.30-14.00: Lunch
  • 14.00-15.30: Panel 5 - Selected challenges of data use in automated decisions-making
  • 15.30-16.00: Coffee break
  • 16.00-17.30: Panel 6 - Digitalisation, border control and migration policy

Download detailled programme



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