11 Jun
09:30 - 15:00

Fair Mobility conference

Interest in fair mobility is growing. Fair mobility ensures that employees who work across borders are rewarded as they should be, but are also socially insured and taxed in the right place. Not only is this in the employee’s own interest, but it also helps to prevent undesirable competition between employees. Too often, unfortunately, there is unfair mobility, including in border regions.

The Interregional Trade Union Councils (ITUCs) Rhine IJssel, Maas Rhine and Scheldt Kempen have taken the initiative to see whether they can develop an easily accessible instrument for the employee to check the work situation for irregularities. The Fair Mobility tool. In order to know whether such a tool already exists and, if not, what it should look like, the cooperation with ITEM was sought.

On 11 June 2019, the joint ITUCs will organise a Fair Mobility conference in Duisburg. During the conference the first phase of the research report on the development of a "Fair Mobility Tool" will be presented to a broad specialised audience of trade unionists, members and actors in cross-border employment and labour market policy. In various conversations with the participants, the aim is to refine the Fair Mobility Tool further so that the actual development of the Fair Mobility Tool can start right after the conference.

Programme Tuesday 11 June 

09:30  Arrival, coffee and tea

Welcome and opening 

Wilco Veldhorst: Chairman of the Interregional Trade Union Council for the Rhine River IJssel.

Sabine Graf: Vice-chairman of the DGB Nordrhein-Westfalen.


Presentation of the preliminary study Fair Mobility Tool.

Martin Unfried, Institute for Transnational and Euregional cross border cooperation and Mobility/ ITEM, Maastricht  University.


Comments on the research

Geert van Autenboer (ITUC Schelde Kempen), on behalf of the project supervision of the three Interregional Trade Union Councils.

Jan Cremers Tilburg University (TLS) consider possible links between a Fair Mobility Tool and the formation of the European Labour Authority.

A representative of the Landesregierung Nordrhein Westfalen- Benelux year 2019.

12:30 Lunch break

Fishbowl discussion

with Dr. Nina Büttgen (ITEM) Daan Withagen (FNV and IVR Schelde Kempen), Jos Poukens (ACV and IVR Maas Rijn)


Final word and further progress

Daan Withagen (FNV and ITUC Scheldt Kempen)

Interpreters Dutch, German and French are provided.

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