10 Apr
Studium Generale | Lecture

The Endless Quest for Israeli-Palestinian Peace

Is it still realistic to expect the Israeli-Palestinian conflict to be resolved through a two-state solution?
This question will be addressed tonight by Robert Serry, who will base his lecture on his own long experience as UN Special Coordinator for the Middle East Peace Process (2008-2015), UN Secretary-General’s Representative to the Palestine Liberation Organization and the Palestinian Authority and as ambassador.
Seventy years after UN Partition resolution 181, fifty years after Security Council resolution 242, and 4 months after president Trump’s announcement to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel...
​is a two-state solution still viable? What are the consequences of the deepening one-state reality of today? What about the dire situation in Gaza?

Robert Serry will offer an insider perspective on conflict management and peace efforts during the three most recent failed peace initiatives and three wars in Gaza. He will share his reflections on walking the tight rope of diplomacy between Israel and Palestine and his analysis of what has gone wrong and why a “one-state reality” may be around the corner. 

Offering a fresh perspective on how to preserve prospects for a two-state solution, Serry examines the UN’s uneasy history in the Arab-Israeli conflict since partition was proposed in resolution 181 (1948) and provides a rare insight into the life of a United Nations Envoy in today’s Middle East. 

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